Location, South Melbourne Australia
0433 350 395

Conscious Communicator NLP Training [OLD]

Unlock Your True Potential

NLP Training Melbourne

CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATOR – NLP Practitioner Certification Training

The five pillars of Conscious Relationships are:

  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Emotional Awareness
  3. Emotional Mastery
  4. Empathy 
  5. Conscious Language

Self-Awareness is about being aware of your true multi-dimensional nature as Mind, Body and Spirit and understanding the interactions of these components on a moment to moment basis. It is also about knowing how to leverage the enormous power of your unconscious mind to assist in manifesting your conscious dreams and desires.

Emotional Awareness is about recognising your emotional states from moment to moment and identifying the triggers that throw you into emotional turmoil. Emotional Awareness is the foundation stone that allows us to develop Emotional Mastery, the power to choose and determine our emotional states for a more satisfying and exhillarating life experience.

Emotional Mastery is not Emotional Control, which is what most people use to try and avoid negative emotions. Emotional Control leads to suppressed emotions which only disempowers us further as these suppressed emotions fester in our unconscious and gain more and more influence over us.

Empathy is about recognising emotional states in others. It is about learning to understand the pain, the hurt, the frustration and the rage in others without getting sucked into these disempowering emotional states. Empathy develops compassion and with the skills of Emotional Mastery we are able to assist others to access more empowering emotional states.

Conscious Language is about recognising the many conflicting signals we send on a daily basis through our communication. It is about mastering the power of effective communication. It is about communicating without hidden aganda or unprocessed emotional pain. Conscious Communication is about being able to communicate our true intentions, our true self, in a clear and articulate manner.

The five pillars of Conscious Relationships provide the skills basis for building amazing relationships, both personal and business relationships.

If you want to create amazing relationships you need to invest in yourself first.

The key to attracting amazing friends, business partners or an amazing life partner is to become an amazing person or an amazing business yourself.

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