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Why don’t we remember our Past Lives at Birth?

Unlock Your True Potential

The vast majority of people don’t remember their past lives at birth, or at least that’s what we believe.

There is a relatively small number of people that are documented to remember their past lives, at least in the western world. While this is not surprising given that reincarnation is not a part of the doctrines taught by the dominant western religions, there are exceptions.

So why don’t we remember our past lives? A simple explanation would be that past lives don’t exist. However, there is too much evidence that they do. The better explanation is that those memories would be a major distraction for most people.

Most people have enough trouble living in the Now as it is. Especially as people get older they spend an increasing amount of time reviewing unresolved traumas from years gone by. Having to deal with all of the unresolved issues and emotions from past lives would be too overwhelming for most people.

So should we avoid investigating past live memories? The answer is no, because there is a lot to gain from understanding and integrating our soul journey.

It is however best to wait until we have reached a certain level of spiritual maturity. At the right time, past life investigation can provide invaluable benefits and accelerate our spiritual growth tremendously.

How do you know when to start? When you feel the pull. It’s similar to traveling to another country. When the time is right, you just know.

Here are a couple of books to check out if you feel so inclined.

Many Lives Many Masters

Children Who Remember Previous Lives

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